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SQL Server Database grants required
Is there a list of exact database grants that are required to log in to a SQL Server ASG RemoteDesktop 2015 database?
I have created a database through the RemoteDesktop 2015 application GUI, and am using Windows domain Authentication to log in to the database.  My account has dbo permissions on the database, and administrative permissions within ASG RD.  I am able to access the database.  I have added selected users via the Tools ---> Security Groups panel in RemoteDesktop 2015.

None of these users are able to log in.  From the database side, they have all been granted db_datareader, db_datawriter, and execute access to the ASGRD database.  From the setup screen, we are able to test create / test the connection successfully as these users.  We are also able to connect to and query the database via SQL Server Management Studio.
However once we try to open the connection, ASG fails to log in.  Are there additional permissions required within the app or on the database itself?  When dbo permissions are (temporarily) added to any of these users in the database, the login works fine...but this isn’t obviously feasible in the long run.  This indicates to me that there may be some database permissions that need applying.

Messages In This Thread
SQL Server Database grants required - by tim - 16-06-2017, 10:58 AM
RE: SQL Server Database grants required - by tim - 19-06-2017, 05:49 AM

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