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Automatic export function

I've got a instance of VisionApp 2015 with around 500 connections, give or take.
We add and remove nodes to this environment once in a while, and I'm looking for a function to schedule an export of current connections, to get a better overview of changes.

I know that this export can be done manually in Environment > Export.
My question is if there's a way to achieve the same result as the above function, but on an automatic schedule, e.g. once a week.

Is there a function in the application that can manage this? Or can it be solved by using a flag on the .exe (simplified example: ASGRD.exe /exportcsv).
I would prefer to not have to query the database as my DBA skills aren't up to par.

Hi Oscar,
you find some examples in the integrated help how to do an exportjob from command-line. So you could easily create a scheduled batch doing an export of logs - for example:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG-Remote Desktop 2016>ASGRD.exe /instance:MyEnvironmentInstanceName /loginintegrated:true /loginsubmit /exportaction:History /exportoutput:c:\MyDestinationPath\historyexport.txt

Or you could use PowerShell to do such a job:
I tested it with following batch of commands - even I'm not a powershell guy :

starting powershell:
loading modules:
powershell -noexit -command "[reflection.assembly]::loadFrom( '.\ASGRD-PSAPI.dll' ) | import-module"
connect environment:
Connect-RDEnvironment -Environment MyEnvironmentName -PassThrough
using Cmdlet to get data:
Get-RDlogs -Logtype Error > c:\MyDestination\ExportedErrorlog.txt

I hope that helps - best regards,
best regards,
Michael -- --

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