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Database Integration
Does VisionApp have an API for interfacing with the database to change passwords or configure other settings. We are implementing FireCall accounts on our production systems using a product from CyberArc. Ideally, we would like the CyberArc product to reset account passwords directly into the visionapp database. Thus, when access is requested and a one-time password configured it does not need to be passed to the end user. They can login with VisionApp and it knows the current password to use.

An interface to the database, probably easiest with a powershell module would also allows us to auto-config the security and folder structure, and retrieve meta-data off the configured connections, as well as aggreating the log files to a central logger.
No API at the moment - but we are plan to implement
Hi Oliver

Do you have any update on this? CyperArc is the big issue at our company and I am trying to find a way to get the passwords from this vault directly.

Thank you for any help
We are currently working on this :-)
(24-03-2020, 10:02 AM)DevOma Wrote: We are currently working on this :-)
Big Grin Big Grin  Sound great! Any time frame we can expect first solutions for testing?
(24-03-2020, 10:02 AM)DevOma Wrote: We are currently working on this :-)

Do you have any update on the CyperArc integration? Thanks for a reply
We have stopped the integration of CyberArk - CyberArk do not allow to read any passwords via the API - so a full integration is currently not possible

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