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vCenter will not sync - ASG-RD 2015 8.0.4721.0
I've created and saved a folder for a VMware vcenter sync. I've used the FQDN of the server and supplied the credentials of an administrative user. When I click the "Synchronize now" button, I get the following error:

"An error occured while reading data from VMware host. Operation cancelled. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key"

Any idea what may be causing this and what the fix might be.

Running vShpere/vCenter 5.5u1. My active hosts are using four VMware virtual distributed switches. I have some hosts without VMs that are using a vDS based on a Cisco UCS hardware daughter card on the blades.

If I create a folder for a specific host it will synchronize just fine.

Administration/Messages/Details shows:

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.ContainsKey(TKey key)
at visionapp.vVE.vVM.ESXEnvironment.SetVMProperties(String VMIdentifier, DynamicProperty[] VMProperties, ObjectTypes ChildType, EsxManagedObjectPropertyCache managedObjectCache, Boolean throwOnError)
at visionapp.vVE.vVM.ESXEnvironment.GetChilds(VEStructureItem StartObject, ObjectTypes ChildType, String[] PathSet)
at visionapp.vVE.vVM.ESXEnvironment.GetObjectChilds(VEStructureItem StartObject, ObjectTypes ChildType)
at PlugInVMware.Helper.SyncHelper.SyncVMWareFolder(IWin32Window owner, IBaseItem folderParams, CredentialsParameter creds, EsxSyncProperties props)

Thanks for your help.
We check this and try to fix for Patch2...
Should be fixed in Patch2
i have the same problem.
VMware Vcenter 5.5.0 Build 2183111
Virtuell Distributed Switch

thank you
How do you setup the VMWare sync? I can't find any options or explanations for it....
Create a folder - select "Roles"-add VMware then edit the options there and press the button "Sync"
So, i set up VMWare sync the other day and as near as I can tell it seems extremely limited, but maybe I'm missing something..

Few questions about it:
1) Can I move the connections it imports to my own folder structure outside of the parent folder and not leave it in the structure of parentFolder --> esx host --> connection and still have sync work?
2) If a server is vMotion'd to a different esx host, will the ASG sync pick that up and create a new connection under the new esx host folder or modify the existing?
3) Is there a way to sync with Active Directory as well and have ASG not create duplicate connections? Majority of our servers on ESX/VMWare are Windows and would also be joined to the domain in AD, however, I don't really want 2 connections for each server but for the VM's it'd be nice to have the VMWare specific actions in ASG.
4) How often does the sync run? Immediately? On ASG launch (with each user in database mode?)?

1) You can move the connctions - but they will be added again in Sync if you moved them to other folders - we will extend the sync feature and I put it on the feature list

2) The sync is checking the "Identifier" of the VMware objects and merge these informations with the existing structure - I'm not sure how VMware handles this

3) No not at the moment - only one "Identifier" can be used for sync - if you use 2 systems like AD and VMware the Identifier will be overwritten

4) There is a button "Command line" - you can add a Task on your computer (Windows Task Scheduler) and add there a command line to sync like you want

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